
Nuclear for Clean Energy Transition

December 12 - 15, 2023
DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India

Indian Nuclear Society

About Indian Nuclear Society

Indian Nuclear Society (INS) is a registered society of nuclear professionals and boasts membership of over 5000 life members and 70 corporate members. It was established in 1988 with an aim to promote and effectively utilise Nuclear Science and Technologies for the benefit of society while maintaining international safety standards.

Since 1989, INS has been organizing its Annual Conferences on the topics of current interest in nuclear science and technology. INS holds seminars, webinars, and poster competitions designed for outreach programs. It brings out quarterly newsletter highlighting the research and development in nuclear science & technology in India.

INS website is enriched with information about various topics of nuclear science and engineering in the form of recorded lectures series in simple language and presentation made especially for common man desirous to know about nuclear. INS has also conducted joint programs with international nuclear societies in the past.