
Nuclear for Clean Energy Transition

December 12 - 15, 2023
DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400094, India

Invited Speakers for INSIC-2023

Speaker 1
Vakisasai Ramany

Senior Vice President, EDF, France

EDF’s Gen III & III+ Reactors – Growth Acceleration & Cost Reduction

Speaker 2
Antoine Guelfi

Director of Export Services, EDF, France

Nuclear Power Development-Technologies and Skills Challenges: lessons learned in France and opportunities in India

Speaker 3
Valerie Faudon

Director General, French Nuclear Society, France

Emerging Technologies in Support of Nuclear Power Deployment, Security & Safety

Speaker 4
Shripad Revankar

Professor and Director Lab Purdue University, USA

Developments in Hydrogen Production Schemes with Nuclear Energy

Speaker 5
Alexandre Volgin

Project Director Rosatom Energy, Russia

General aspects of SMR use

Speaker 8
Serge Gorlin

Head, Business Development, World Nuclear Association, UK

Global nuclear industry's capability to sustain a three to four fold increase in nuclear power

Speaker 12
Artemova Elena

Rosatom, Russia

Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycle as an Answer to Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Challenge

Speaker 13
Franklin Servan

CEO Transmutex SA, Geneva, Switzerland

Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical System / Thorium for lower cost nuclear energy.

Speaker 14
Yoh-Shik Nam

Vice President Korean Nuclear Association

Korea's Nuclear Power Development Experience and Competitiveness

Speaker 15
B C Pathak

CMD, NPCIL, Mumbai, India

Impact of Fleet Mode Construction of 700MWe PHWRs

Speaker 16
Akira Yamaguchi

Former President, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo

Growth of Gen III and III+ Reactors

Speaker 18
Anil Parab

Director & Sr EVP L&T, India

Role of L&T in Furthering Nuclear Growth in India

Speaker 19
R Srikanth

Prof & Dean NIAS, Bengaluru, India

Key policy changes required to enhance the role of nuclear power in India’s pathway to Net Zero

Speaker 20
G. R. Srinivasan

Former Vice Chairman, AERB, Advisor, Nuclear Power Business, GRM Infrastructure Company, India

Nuclear, Both Big and Small Powers the Energy Transition

Speaker 21
N M Nadaph

President Walchandnagar, India

Role of WIL in Growth of Nuclear Power in India

Speaker 21
Mehul Shah

Founder and CEO, Clean Core Thorium Energy

Clean Core's Thorium & HALEU based ANEEL fuel for PHWRs.

Speaker 21
D. P. Srivastava

retired as Indian Ambassador to Iran

Climate Change and India’s Energy Transition:The Role of Nuclear Power

Speaker 21
Satya Kumar

Chairman & Chief executive HWB

Self Reliance and Diversification in Heavy Water Technologies

Speaker 21
Rajesh Kumar

Head, Ion Accelerator Development Division (IADD), BARC

Development of High Intensity Proton Accelerators – Present Status and Future Programme

Speaker 21
B Venkataraman

Director, IGCAR, kalpakkam

Second Stage of Indian Nuclear Programme Towards Green Energy Transition.

Speaker 21
K.T. Shenoy

Director, Chemical Engineering Group BARC

Design, development and deployment of alkaline water electrolyzers technology at BARC.

Speaker 21
Alok Mishra

Director, Westinghouse India

Delivering on the Promise of Small Modular Reactor.

Speaker 21
Ganapati Myenini

President & CEO, BSCE Systems, Inc USA

Advanced Subcritical Micro Reactors for Energy Distribution